Focused on managing flood risk to reduce loss of life and property from flooding

Participate in the Flood Planning Data Collection Process

Upcoming Meeting Information

Region 3 Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group Meeting

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 1:00 pm

Huntsville Service Center

448 TX-75
Huntsville, TX 77320

Virtual Meeting Options

This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, including the option of attending in person or participating via videoconference or teleconference.

Videoconference link:

Webinar number: 2498 157 2264

Webinar password: a3mMwZpWa43 (23669979 when dialing from a phone or video system)

Join by phone:

+1-469-210-7159 United States Toll (Dallas)

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Latest News

Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group Solicits Nominations to Fill Voting Positions

Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group Solicits Nominations to Fill Voting Positions

The Region 3 Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group (RFPG) is soliciting nominations to fill voting positions on the Region 3 Trinity RFPG. Nominees who either operate in or have interests in the region are being solicited to represent electric generating utilities, small business, river authorities, counties, agricultural, water districts and public categories.

View PDF for more information
Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group Seeks Flood-Related Information from Residents and Organizations

Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group Seeks Flood-Related Information from Residents and Organizations

The Region 3 Trinity Regional Flood Planning Group (Trinity RFPG) needs to hear from anyone affected by flood-related issues and has launched an online data collection tool for that purpose. The data collection portal is now open.

View PDF for more information