
Voting Members

Name Interest Represented
Chad Ballard Small business
Sano Blocker Electric generating utilities
Melissa Bookhout Agricultural interests
Glenn Clingenpeel River authorities
Scott Harris Water utilities
Rachel Ickert Flood districts
Andrew Isbell Public
Jordan Macha Environmental interests
Galen Roberts Water districts
Matt Robinson Industries
Lissa Shepard Counties
Sarah Standifer Municipalities

Non-Voting Members

Name Organization Email
Susan Alvarez North Central Texas Council of Governments
Steve Bednarz Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board
John Blount General Land Office
Justin Bower Houston-Galveston Area Council
Todd Burrer Region 6 San Jacinto Flood Planning Group (liaison)
Bert Galvan Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Diane Howe Federal Emergency Management Agency
Lonnie Hunt Deep East Texas Council of Governments
Risa King Region 5 Neches Flood Planning Group (liaison)
Neely Kirkland Texas Department of Agriculture
Katie Koslan Texas Water Development Board
Matthew Lepinski US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth Rep.
Lisa McCracken US Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston Rep.
Andrea Sanders Texas Division of Emergency Management
Greg Waller National Weather Service / West Gulf River Forecast Center
Adam Whisenant Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Amanda Young Region 5 Neches